[Natural Birth Stories WebRing]
Thank you for your interest in joining the Natural Birth Stories WebRing! Please read the following information carefully.

Criteria for Joining

Following is a list of some guidelines to establish what, in this instance, defines "natural childbirth." If your story does not meet the criteria, I am not judging whether you had a "good" birth, or a "worthy" birth; I am merely defining the types of experiences about which most people interested in natural birth would like to read. If you are happy with your birth experience, that is all that matters.

The page being submitted must be about a birth that includes NO references to:

  • Artificial rupture of membranes (breaking the bag of waters) prior to second stage (the pushing phase)
  • Pitocin or prostaglandin induced or augmented labor (castor oil, cohosh or evening primrose [which have little, if any, effect on active labor or the baby] used PRIOR to labor are acceptable)
  • Continuous IV fluids or antibiotics (heplock is acceptable)
  • Continuous electronic fetal monitoring or internal fetal monitoring
  • Pain medication of any sort
  • Use of "tools" during delivery (forceps, vacuum extractor)
  • Episiotomy
  • Cesarean Sections
Birth stories of previous children which did include any or all of the above will be acceptable if that part is a prelude to the natural birth story, and on the same page.

Procedure for Joining

If your page meets the above guidelines:
  • Go to the add page form and complete it.
  • You will recieve the html code for the webring via e-mail.
  • Add the HTML code along with the graphic below (save to your server - right click and "save picture as" to the file of your choice) to your page and email me at jeri@naturalbirth.freeservers.com when it is done.

    Natural Birth Stories WebRing

  • I will check to see that the table is correctly inserted on your page (it MUST be directly on the birth story page - if you have more than one page that meets this criteria, please submit them separately; if you have five or more natural birth stories on your site you may put the webring on a page which links to each birthstory), and, if your page meets the webring criteria, I will add you to the ring.

Thank you for your interest in the Natural Birth Stories WebRing.